I Stayed In A Miserable Role Because I Was Afraid A New One Would Yield The Same Misery

I was afraid of jumping from the frying pan into the fire; I was already in the fire…

Krystal Blu <3
7 min readJul 7, 2022

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”

— John F. Kennedy

Y’all, I know that it has been quite a while since I’ve been on here to share a piece of my life — mostly because in order to do so, to communicate, to write, I have to come from a place of clarity.

To receive such clarity, I have to distance myself from noise — external and internal — so that I may cohesively formulate my thoughts and emotions into a comprehensive body.

With that being said, SO much has drastically changed in my life, thus my absence from writing on Medium.com has not been an unproductive absence.


My absence has been fueled by the loathing of my previous life circumstances, between my job, family and relationships, and the reality that those factors had began taking a severe toll on my mental and emotional health.

A severe toll.

After a thorough and deep, deep period of examination, reflection, contemplation (all of those words…



Krystal Blu <3

An Ordinary Chick Journaling The Good Stuff & Fuckery Along Her Life’s Journey | Feminist | Gypsy Soul | Soft Rebel ❤